Alexandra Astachenko Vasquez Benavente
Born on August 7, 1970 in Thionville, France.
Studied at N.UNTERSTELLER school of fine arts in Metz.
During various phases of her life, and in different countries, she gives art courses and participates in private and associative art exhibitions.
In 2007 she participates in the 118th edition of the Independent Artists Show (page 26 of that year’s catalog) and the “Art en Capitale” show. She also starts a series of personal exhibitions in various parisian art galleries.
At this time her work essentially concerns research involving rhythm, the random thread of signs-lines-emotions, the graphics reflecting a specific “script” style.
In 2010 AVB moves to Russia, packing her studio in crates. (It is impossible to crate a studio without a substantive rupture)
Destabilized as she was in her work she has a chance meeting with Florence, who works with flowers, roses in particular. She runs a rose garden. Florence suggested she work with her unsold flowers.
Reserch using this noble “material” starts within this immense and majestic natural environment.
« Nature and in particular the golden autumnal nature is the source of my inspiration. This nature of another dimension. ».

An exhibition organized by Florence took place in Moscow… unfortunately without results since AVB returns to France soon after.
Icon : Religious painting on wood panels, frequently enhanced by precious metals or stones. Artistic representations of divinity or religious subjects.
Nature, trees, flowers, leaves, weeds are like gold or gemstones…..
Handling this material and composing with it is akin to the work of a goldsmith. If a parallel is drawn between these natural elements and jewelry there appears a fragility, a finesse and maybe even the power of feelings.
And if this material’s technical work re-uses in some ways that of icon confection then, from the blending of wonder, poetry and the sacred…. emerges a ”PROPHETESS OF NATURE”.

Far removed from her previous work on abstract graphic script… she revives this pleasure and an unpredictable framework even if it tends towards figurative art.